You may submit portraits either raw, or pre-mounted in one of the frames from the sample frames page.  Most of the frames can be used in either portrait or landscape orientation (although some of the ovals may look sorta funny in landscape).  If submitting an unmounted photo, please indicate your preferred frame and orientation for the final cropped, mounted portrait if you have a preference, along with any special requests as far as cropping or processing.  If you don't specify, you'll get Callahan's Choice of frame and my judgement of the best-fit orientation.  If you submit a pre-mounted portrait, PLEASE DO NOT RESIZE THE FRAME.

You can also use this form to submit new frames, if you don't like any of the existing frames but find a frame elsewhere that you particularly like, and it's reasonably straight-on and plumb.  I don't guarantee all new frame submissions will be accepted; the more fine-detail work it's going to take to make it usable, the less likely it is I'll use it (unless, of course,it's just cool beyond words).

Fields in red are required; all others are optional.  You can list multiple "Find me on..." locations.  If you have any special mounting requests as far as specific cropping, sepia-toning, soft focus, special effects etc, use the "Special Notes" box.  (Look at the World War 1 Flying Ace's portrait for an example.)

You will be notified by email when your portrait has been installed, so make certain your email address is correct in both boxes.  If either is empty or they don't match, you won't be able to submit the form.


Email address:

Upload Photo:

Confirm email:

Select Frame:

Link this email address to my nameplate
Display this email address in a tooltip, obscured
Don't display my email address at all

Homepage URL:

Find me on...

(Examples: Freenode, Undernet, alt.callahans)

Special notes
(for cropping,
mounting, or